ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Pt. 2

From a teaching perspective

Thousands of #IceBucketChallenge videos have been posted online and too many break the basic rules of video production that I teach my students. Here are a few examples of videos that live up to the standards that this disease deserves.

#ALSicebucket Haters, watch this…

And this…

Further Analysis

More links and analysis

But hold on… this says “73% of donations are not used for ALS research.”

ALS response:

Snopes analysis:

“Three Unexpected Lessons from #IceBucketChallenge”!bOFK4i

More on Pete Frates, from ESPN:

Ted Talk: Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong –

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Pt. 1

I Challenge You!

Alanna Delfino (ViewFinder ’14) turned the camera on me for a change after I was challenged by Ulysses Muñoz (ViewFinder ’15) in an #ALSIceBucketChallenge video. I challenge everyone to participate in this social event that draws attention and raises funds for ALS. So I am offering an incentive.

How it works

For every student produced #IceBucketChallenge inspired video that tags me (@bethanysstories) and #ALSforEd on twitter, I will donate $25 to ALS. Up to $400 total donation.

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This is more than just an excuse to see students and friends get creative. My father-in-law, Ed Swain, passed away in 2004 from ALS. I was there when he died, after years of suffering. I want to see my students produce videos up to the production standards that this subject deserves. And even better if you also give a donation:

Thanks Eric Seals for the No Vertical Video reminder.