Knight Hall—The Philip Merrill College of Journalism
Lot 1 parking is only free between 4:30 p.m. and 5 a.m. and there is no free parking anywhere on campus during the day
You’re on U.S. Route 1
Turn right onto Campus Drive. Proceed straight to the circle "M" and travel up the hill.
Pass the Hornbake Library and the Psychology Department on your right. Continue straight.
Pass Cole field house on your right.
Proceed straight to Lot 1 (Knight Hall is the building directly to your left)
Tawes Hall—The Swain Domain
Lot 1 parking is only free between 4:30 p.m. and 5 a.m. and there is no free parking anywhere on campus during the day
This is where Bethany's classroom is...
Once you get to lot 1, if you’re facing the front doors of Knight Hall, Tawes Hall is the building to the right
Proceed to basement of the building. Bethany’s classroom is 0222B